More men than women get HPV, but their risk of cancers is less. It’s far from harmless, though.
New guidelines say adults up to 45 years old can get the HPV vaccine. But is it worth it?
I never thought I would have cancer at age 33, especially not cancer caused by an STI.
Certain lifestyle habits, including unprotected sex, may be to blame. Find out the facts.
HPV is the most common STI, and it's linked to cancer, so diagnosis and treatment are critical.
Staying informed about HPV can reduce your risk for cancer, including cervical cancer.
A hand with red nail polish pulls a white condom packet from a back denim pocket.
HPV doesn't have to be a roadblock for sex. There are ways to protect you and your partner.
Find out which vitamins or supplements may help fight genital warts.
An infection from HPV often clears up on its own, but here's what you can do if it doesn't.
HPV symptoms are rarely obvious, so caution and monitoring are crucial to minimize cancer risk.
The most common STI in the world could give you cancer, or it could simply disappear.
HPV can create serious complications but doesn't often show symptoms. Take note and stay aware.
Most people will have HPV in their lifetime, so does telling anyone help?
The more readily we all accept the validity of this vaccine, the more lives we will save.
Most cases of the virus are asymptomatic, so how are you supposed to know if you have it?
Almost 80 million Americans are currently infected—that's a lot of warts.
The virus can cause cervical cancer, but is there any reason that boys should get vaccinated?
Americans ages 9 to 26 can be vaccinated against HPV—but what if you're older?
The link between cigarettes and human papillomavirus is more pronounced than you might think.
We've all heard about HPV, but do you understand the risks? Don't fall for misinformation.
There's blood on a glass microscope slide that's in front of blue images from a microscope.
Convenient and noninvasive, a new diagnostic test for cervical cancer is on the horizon.
An outline of both male and female genital areas are connected by a dotted line coming from a virus cell.
Learn what to look for and how to get tested.
A woman sits on her bed with her leg curled up, holding her head with her hand.
It can't be cured, but this common virus doesn't have to negatively affect your life and health.
A woman leans back with her hands behind her head smiling.
An understanding of the physical and mental effects of HPV infection will help you manage it.
An HPV cell is next to another cut in half.
You can pass the infection to your sex partners even if you have no symptoms.
A vial holds blood for HPV testing.
This sexually transmitted infection may clear up naturally, but don't take testing for granted.
A hand holds ointment in their hand as they are able to apply it to a wart on the other hand.
Though there isn't a medicinal cure, there are acceptable ways to treat HPV warts successfully.
Two people sit on a chat bubble with cellphones in hand and with HPV virus cells in place of their heads.
Educate yourself first before you tell your date or partner about your virus.
A technician looks over a screen showing an outline of a breast during a mammogram.
There's some evidence suggesting a tie between the two conditions, but more studies are needed.
Little red dots are around the outside of three halves of papaya.
Genital warts are common, but so are myths about them, their origins and their treatment.
a glowing blue orb with a geometric pattern on a black background
…and maybe a few things you did know about human papillomavirus, an extremely common STI.
teal cancer cell wrapped in a purple ribbon on a pink background
Did you know that some people may be more at risk of certain cancers than others?
An advertisement of a man in white underwear is torn on each side.
This transmitted sexual infection is caused by the most common STI: HPV.
person with hands in lap sits on doctor's table facing doctor in white coat holding clipboard
Diagnosing and treating the condition can help you heal faster and prevent recurrent flare-ups.
two tips of orange carrots with one with a chopped off tip on navy background
Circumcision may reduce STI risk in general, for men and their female partners.
An up-close x-ray image of a virus is shown in purple.
With care and communication, you can have a healthy sex life with genital warts.