The Latest from Giddy

Without quality zzz's, your libido may take a break.
Introducing slow, intentional touching is a game-changer for some.
What has the virus really done to us? How will this affect our ability to handle after-crisis?
They're full-body and powerful, no matter how far away they are from your genitals.
When you are mentally ready to go, but nothing happens physically—it can be inconvenient.
From explicit sex scenes to emotional depths, racy novels can make us hot.
Words matter, often more than we even realize. Just ask Gwyneth Paltrow.
Erections are all about blood flow, and high glucose levels can damage the passageways.
It's 2022, and we want to look beautiful all over—even where the sun don't shine.
When it comes to STI prevention, education beats criminalization.