The Latest from Giddy

You had a vasectomy, but now you want to conceive. What are your options?
Vaginal dryness doesn't have to spell the end of your sex life.
Looking to start a family one day? Here's what you need to know about freezing eggs or embryos.
Common myths create added stigma around a medical procedure that is both safe and legal.
When it comes to birth control, choose the type that's best suited to your lifestyle.
There's more to sperm count than you think. Here are five of the most common myths dispelled.
Getting snipped sounds scary, but this minimally invasive procedure is effective and safe.
If you plan to wait before starting a family, consider the role age plays in male fertility.
There are many choices and factors to consider after you decide to terminate a pregnancy.
IVF is a complex series of procedures used to help with fertility and conception. Get the facts.