Success in the dating app world depends on the app. Use our tips to choose wisely and safely.
You may be burnt out if your love-hate relationship with dating is mostly hate and little love.
Too bad there's no such thing as a dating handbook. These tips can help.
Online dating can be difficult. Work smarter, not harder, with these 'get to know me' tips.
How in the world are you supposed to find a date when you're in another country?

The Latest from Giddy

How do you keep your love life alive in an increasingly virtual world? Here are some ideas.
The world of online dating can seem scary at first, but don't panic—we're here to help.
Technology can help you find love but don't listen to everything you hear about dating apps.
Dating has never been without risk, and then COVID-19 added new challenges. But don't despair.
Understand the ins and outs of online romance before you look for love on your smartphone.
Keep irritable bowel syndrome at bay and your social life active with five helpful tips.
Want to stand out in the crowd? Try these tips to improve your online dating profile.
Recovering from addiction is a challenge, but so is loving someone who is struggling with it.
If your kinks are must-haves, you need to address them early with new partners.