The Latest from Giddy

Expect the unexpected, and you'll be able to adjust to your ever-changing sex drive.
Over 35 and pregnant? Here are tips and advice for moms-to-be.
Almost all mammals, except humans, eat their placenta after birth. Should we?
During pregnancy, everything is always changing. Be prepared for your sex life to change, too.
During pregnancy, intense specified hunger can go beyond just wishing for a cookie.
Here are some simple ways to take care of mastitis so you can continue breastfeeding your baby.
Here's what expectant mothers need to know about new over-the-counter remedies.
Insemination kits offer a convenient option for infertile couples and others who want children.
Here’s how to keep your caffeine intake within safe limits without experiencing withdrawal.
Find out the facts about preeclampsia—it could save your life.