The Latest from Giddy

Men can get yeast infections, too, and just knowing that fact can help you prevent them.
Hypospadias, repaired or not, leads to numerous issues, but treatment and support are available.
Sure, check up on your swimmers in the privacy of your home—but only as preliminary research.
Your whole body—including, yes, your genitals—changes as you age. But your boys are not doomed.
A health scare leads a teacher to become an advocate for men's health.
Self-pleasure can be casual or a big event, but in any case, it has some great benefits.
There may be reasons for the rumors, but no actual proof that vasectomies contribute to ED.
With specific care and attention, you can keep this unwelcome penis affliction at bay.
Testicle removal is never desirable, but artificial testes can restore a natural look and feel.
Glowing skin, pearly whites and manicured hair don't have to be relics of the past. Stay kempt.