Excluding men and boys from our understanding of eating disorders poses pitfalls for treatment.
Binge eating disorder is the most common eating disorder and can be caused by many factors.
Autism spectrum disorder presents in ways as varied as the people who are on the spectrum.
Some people with autism struggle with romantic relationships while others have no problem.
Using these terms, even in your dating app profile, may lead to manipulation or emotional abuse.

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Muscle dysmorphia is on the rise, especially among young men, experts say.
It's a critical time for your relationship, and all third-party advice needs to be beneficial.
Where should we draw the line between 'taking the edge off' and prescribing our own medication?
From self-care to sexual health, there's a lot to learn from your own inner dialogue.
These medications can cause ED, decreased desire and ejaculation complications.
For patients at risk, home health visits could be a game-changer.
Impulsivity, difficulty focusing, libido issues, inability to climax and ED are just the start.
It requires an unconventional approach to intimacy, but autistic people can certainly enjoy sex.
When your pastimes become a compulsion, they can undermine every aspect of your life.
You may think you know this disease, but even the experts are changing their minds.