Excluding men and boys from our understanding of eating disorders poses pitfalls for treatment.
Binge eating disorder is the most common eating disorder and can be caused by many factors.
Autism spectrum disorder presents in ways as varied as the people who are on the spectrum.
Some people with autism struggle with romantic relationships while others have no problem.
Using these terms, even in your dating app profile, may lead to manipulation or emotional abuse.

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While Tourette syndrome can present challenges, it's possible to effectively manage symptoms.
If you have an anxiety disorder, experts say you're at greater risk of developing OCD.
OCD is a serious mental disorder that can cause stress and interfere with daily activities.
Few conditions are as stigmatized as mental illness, but that's because misinformation abounds.
Stressed and overworked? Creativity and communication can keep your sex life alive.
Life with OCD is difficult, but your sex life doesn't need to suffer.
Excluding men and boys from our understanding of eating disorders poses pitfalls for treatment.
Think you know it all about eating disorders? Don't be so sure.
Feeling stressed? You're not alone. Know the facts, so you can live a better life.