The Latest from Giddy

Since many sufferers are undiagnosed, it's an important topic for everyone.
The understanding of this multifaceted health condition and its risk factors has expanded.
Impacting way more than your waistline, these pervasive chemicals can affect your sexual health.
New research highlights a possible gap in screening for the disease in the 65-plus population.
Research finds more vegetables, fruit and whole grains may reduce incidence by 22 percent.
The celeb says her energy is back almost a year after pausing fertility treatments.
Sexual reconciliation after a fight can be quite thrilling, but does it do more harm than good?
It might seem obvious, but sometimes the nuances are enough to thwart the best of intentions.
Losing a few pounds looks different for everyone, but the benefits are universal.
An icon of the 1990s loses her battle, but the disease is not always a death sentence.