The Latest from Giddy

If you know you’re at high risk for developing breast cancer, learn your options.
Cohesive silicone breast implants are safe, but complications are possible.
Women who want more comfort can take a literal weight off their shoulders with breast reduction.
While these often require no treatment, a biopsy or removal is necessary in some cases.
Breast implants are not meant to be lifetime devices. Understand the maintenance they require.
Breast density may not affect a woman’s day-to-day life, but it can correlate to breast cancer.
Using tattoos, women are turning painful memories into symbols of creativity, beauty and power.
Knowing what to expect during a routine mammogram screening can ease first-timers’ stress.
Found in women’s breast tissue, complex fibroadenomas may increase the risk of breast cancer.
It was taking too long to read my mammogram. A biopsy was ordered. I had stage 2 breast cancer.