The Latest from Giddy

Breast health can't be separated from full-body health, and there are many benefits to both.
Without treatment, duct ectasia can lead to mastitis. Home remedies may help.
While mammograms are more common, you do have options for preventive health.
If you're considering sizing down, there are a few things you ought to know.
It may be nothing, it may be something, but either way you'll be ready for the next steps.
From reconstructive surgery to natural remedies, there are a range of ways to mask your scars.
Wearing a bra doesn't increase your risk of cancer, but taking them off isn't a bad idea.
Find out the answer to that all-important question, ’Should I wear jeans?’
Breasts inevitably change with age. But there are steps you can take to slow down the process.
Discharge can occur for many reasons, but it's not necessarily a red flag.