Medical Reviewer
Scott Nass, M.D., MPA
Scott Nass, M.D.

Scott Nass, M.D., MPA, is board-certified in family medicine and is a complex care physician with MedZed in Culver City, California. His broad-spectrum clinical and procedural skills encompass all aspects of family medicine, including LGBTQIA+ health and HIV issues. His goal is to put medicine in the context of each patient’s lifestyle, work and family life.

Although the STD can be cured in this phase, the further stages may not be as manageable.
One of the most important challenges you face if you have the virus is poor nutrition.
Recovery includes drugs, diet, exercise—but sex may be the best medication. And a lot more fun.
More than 1 in 10 Americans have diabetes. Half of those don't even know they have it.
Understanding the virus and taking protective measures can help you and your sexual partners.
We all use store-bought medications, but the side effects could be affecting your sexual health.
Unlike chickenpox, people don't become immune to STDs after getting sick once.
Creating healthcare sensitivity protocols improves the patient experience.
For guys, taking the pill won't prevent pregnancy, but it may produce side effects.
Anyone with the gland is at risk for the disease, but trans people may face unique challenges.