In Case You Missed It

Chemotherapy can decimate your sperm count, but it doesn't spell the end of parental prospects.

It's rare, but some women experience the most powerful climax of their lives.

Going for a few laps around your neighborhood may do more for you than you think.

Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the U.S. and the U.K. Know your own risk factors.

The Latest from Giddy

Opioid use disorder can be deadly. Recovery is possible with medication, counseling and therapy.
Irritable bowel syndrome has no single known cause and is categorized in four ways.
Supplements for circulation can help some people with ED, but L-arginine may not be enough.
Finding your footing when in recovery from substance use disorder is difficult. There is help.
The opioid crisis has claimed more than half a million lives in a little more than 30 years.
If you have this condition, get diagnosed. Don't find out what happens to untreated psoriasis.
Autism spectrum disorder presents in ways as varied as the people who are on the spectrum.
Here's what an open adoption will look like in our family (plus some tips for you and yours).
Nocturia can affect your overall health and sex life, thanks to symptoms like fatigue and pain.