In Case You Missed It

Your swollen and sore mammaries might just be caused by your period.

From stress to an overstuffed junk food stash, lifestyle factors may be killing your sex drive.

Backers of penile devices claim they can make you bigger, but are they even safe?

Phytoestrogens are both hailed and hated, but the reality is largely ambivalent.

The Latest from Giddy

Intimate partner violence typically intensifies with time. Knowing the red flags can save lives.
Pierced female genitals are all the rage. Read our guide to determine the best fit for you.
Know the warning signs it will never turn into a real relationship and when you should hang on.
You can maintain healthy and satisfying intimate relationships when you have bipolar disorder.
These on-campus resources can help you get reacquainted with academic life.
Yes, you can break it, even though it doesn't have a bone. There's a lot more to it, though.
You can use scientific studies to become a better self-advocate for your health.
Sperm have a much shorter shelf-life than their role in reproduction may suggest—but how short?
If you have RA and are concerned about infertility, here's what you need to know.
Celebrity adoration that goes one step too far could be harmful to your health.