The Benefits of Watching Porn with Your Partner

A 2018 Gallup poll reported that 43 percent of people surveyed agreed that watching porn was acceptable and normal, a statistic that sat at 36 percent the year before. However, while watching porn on your own is one thing, introducing it into the bedroom to share with your partner is quite another.
Of course, as society becomes more sexually progressive, you may find your partner is up for a little sexual exploration, and a fun and sexy way to keep your love life interesting.
Take secrecy out of the equation
If you know your partner masturbates, one possible assumption is they use porn to help get aroused. And while there’s nothing wrong with masturbation or being turned on by porn, there may be an issue if it’s all happening under a cloak of secrecy.
So, let’s take this one step at a time. If you masturbate, tell your partner. It shouldn’t come as a surprise, and even less so when they admit they enjoy the same thing.
Now that’s out of the way, so then tell your partner you watch porn from time to time. It should strengthen trust in your relationship and reduce any shame you may feel about watching it secretly. Once you take secrecy out of the equation and create an open and honest dialogue with your partner, you’re ready to embrace the thrill and vulnerability of a new level of intimacy.
If you and your partner have never watched porn together but you’re interested in trying it, you’re in the majority of most couples in the United States. According to a 2019 survey conducted by the dating app Jaumo, 50 percent of American women and 63 percent of American men said they would want to watch porn with their partners.
Establish boundaries
Once you’ve broached the subject of watching porn together with your partner, it’s important to discuss boundaries before moving forward.
First, watch some porn on your own to figure out what you like and what kind of porn turns you on the most. Encourage your partner to do the same. Once you have developed a sense of what you enjoy—and you may already know—you can compare notes with your partner to decide which porn genres and styles you both enjoy the most.
Then, when the mood is right, you can get started by scrolling through options together. Think of this as an exciting kind of foreplay.
Unfortunately, it’s all too easy to stumble across videos with problematic themes or simple storylines and genres that just don’t interest you. This can ruin any mood, so make sure your boundaries are clear and research some websites you know you’ll enjoy, or simply go old school and control the choice by watching DVDs.
Remember, the idea is to have a fun and pleasurable experience with your partner, so don’t be afraid to skip a video if it just isn’t doing it for you.
Keep your sex life spicy
Watching porn together can lead to further conversations about sexual fantasies and, even more excitingly, fulfilling those fantasies with your partner. Opening yourself up to new sexual experiences can revitalize your relationship and add passion to your sex life.
Sex is an intricate part of relationships with our partners, but it’s also part of the relationship we have with ourselves. Introducing a new dynamic in your relationship can be exciting.
So next time you’re looking for a way to shake things up in the bedroom, it’s movie time!