The Latest from Giddy

Mostly harmless, queefing is an expected part of sex, but in some cases, it may be more serious.
Pierced female genitals are all the rage. Read our guide to determine the best fit for you.
Learn about 6 flowering herbs that might give your reproductive well-being a boost.
When pelvic exams and other procedures don't reveal a cause, some common conditions are likely.
Here's what the science says about the benefits of pubic hair.
PID needs to be treated with antibiotics and follow-up care or it could lead to infertility.
People with PMDD can suffer from severe anxiety, depression and more with every period.
Some at-home treatments are ineffective and may worsen your itchy, scratchy symptoms.
When the only sex you have is solo, how do you keep your sexual health in tip-top shape?
A temporary itch is not the end of satisfying sex.