You may be struggling to climax for a variety of reasons, but you can make behavioral changes.
Wearing vaginal fluid as perfume isn't new but it's having a resurgence, thanks to influencers.
FDA-approved in June 2021, this new drug is great news for people prone to yeast infections.
Learn all about peegasms, or what your mother never told you about holding in your pee.
It's a fast solution for unwanted smells. Here's how it works and why you should avoid overuse.
This shooting pain during pregnancy may not mean anything is wrong—but it still really hurts.
True stories of three people who impulsively have sex while they slumber.
The viral video platform has become a space to share sexual health info, for better or worse.
And why do we only ever talk about blue balls?
It can be good for your health and mind blowingly pleasurable—sometimes both.
Users claim these non-medical suppositories change a woman's smell and taste.
This ‘warm’ and ‘euphoric’ erogenous zone may be your new favorite thing.