Take Premature Ejaculation Into Your Own Hands

Though it may be the source of embarrassment for some, premature ejaculation—when you ejaculate sooner than your or your partner would like— is one of the most common sexual disorders among men, with one study finding that up to 39 percent of guys may suffer from PE.
PE can be very frustrating and can make sex less enjoyable. Fortunately, men can use behavioral techniques to develop more control over ejaculation. Some of the most common and effective are the start-stop method and the squeeze method.
Start-stop method
The start-stop method, also known as edging, involves stimulating the penis until right before ejaculation, then stopping until the urge to come goes away. Repeat these actions several times until you are ready to orgasm. The start-stop method will delay your orgasm as well as make it more intense.
The start-stop method is about finding your point of no return, meaning the point where ejaculation is inevitable. This technique may take some practice before you get the hang of it.
Some men find that masturbating helps develop stamina with this technique. Masturbate until you are about to come, then stop. Repeating this tactic several times before ejaculating can help you develop control.
The start-stop method can be a time-consuming practice if your partner is not aware of what you're trying to do. Make sure you discuss it with them before you start using this method during sex. This technique relies on self-control, and it's up to you to know the right time to stop and take a short break.
When using the start-stop method with a partner, it's important to take it slow. Intense foreplay could cause you to ejaculate early. You may want to decide on a "safe word" with your partner that you can say when you're about to ejaculate. Then, your partner will know to stop stimulating you.
A review in the journal Therapeutic Advances in Urology found that 45 to 65 percent of men with PE report short-term benefits from the start-stop method; research on the long-term results is limited or inconclusive. However, the start-stop method does not involve any costly medications or treatments—just communication, practice and a little patience—so it's a great first option for curbing PE.
Squeeze method
The squeeze method for PE involves manually preventing ejaculation by applying pressure to or squeezing the base of the head of the penis. During sexual activity, when you reach the point of climax, stop thrusting or stroking. Then squeeze the end of the penis at the frenulum, which is the erogenous fold of tissue on the underside of the penis where the shaft meets the head. You can put your thumb above or under the penis. By stopping sex and squeezing the penis at the right time and in the correct area, you can close off the urethra enough to prevent ejaculation and extend sex.
When squeezing, maintain firm pressure for about 20 seconds or until you feel your impulse to ejaculate has passed. After you release the squeeze, wait 30 seconds before returning to sexual stimulation. For the best results, this technique is carried out several times before ejaculation is allowed to happen.
The squeeze technique can also be used during masturbation. Begin by stimulating yourself until you become hard. Apply pressure to the frenulum. Masturbate normally until you start to feel like you're about to ejaculate. Stop and squeeze the penis for about five seconds or until your urge to come goes away. Stop for 30 seconds and then resume masturbating.
Both the start-stop and the squeeze methods can help you prolong your orgasm. Remember to practice regularly and be patient as it generally takes time to get proficient in these methods, and they may not be effective if you have chronic PE. If you continue to struggle with premature ejaculation after trying these methods, talk with your doctor about other potential treatment options.