Success in the dating app world depends on the app. Use our tips to choose wisely and safely.
You may be burnt out if your love-hate relationship with dating is mostly hate and little love.
Too bad there's no such thing as a dating handbook. These tips can help.
Online dating can be difficult. Work smarter, not harder, with these 'get to know me' tips.
How in the world are you supposed to find a date when you're in another country?

The Latest from Giddy

Questioning your sexual attractions when you’re with someone doesn’t have to end a relationship.
Dating online opens the world for potential partners, but strangers are strangers. Stay safe.
A dirty picture in your inbox can be exciting, but how can you feel safe when you send one?
Dating apps are more common and convenient than ever. Here’s a guide to help you jump in.
Success in the dating app world depends on the app. Use our tips to choose wisely and safely.