7 Tips for a Safer Online Dating Experience

If you’re thinking about finally venturing into the world of online dating, rest assured that you won’t be alone. In fact, about 30 percent of adults in the United States have used a dating app or website, according to the Pew Research Center. However, not all of those daters have the best intentions.
As common as it might be to make light of potentially meeting someone dangerous online, those fears are based in truth. After all, there’s a reason they teach us about “stranger danger” in school. But fear shouldn’t stop you from finding real and rewarding relationships on these services. With a few common-sense practices and insider tips, you’ll have nothing to fear.
Before you meet someone you matched with on a dating app, it’s important to keep in mind that most of these sites don’t require background checks of anyone who has registered. So, just as you would if you were meeting anybody else you don’t know, it’s important to take some basic safety precautions. We have seven safety tips you can use.
1. Start with a video chat
Once you’ve hit it off with someone on a dating app and you think you’re ready to meet in person, you would be wise to first suggest a video chat. Chatting over video can allow you to make sure you aren’t being catfished, a situation where a person leads you to believe they’re someone they’re not. If your online suitor agrees, it could be a good sign that your comfort is on their mind, too. But if they strongly resist, it could be a red flag and you might want to reconsider an in-person meeting.
2. Tell a loved one where you’re going
Before meeting up with your online match, be sure to let a friend or family member know about your plans beforehand. You can send them a screenshot of your date’s profile and let them know where you’re planning to go and how long you expect to be gone. If plans change during the date, you can always shoot a quick text to your friend. If you want to go the extra mile, you can use your phone’s settings to share your location with your friend, so they can see where you are throughout the night. By doing this, your loved ones can make sure you get home safely and check on you if something unexpected happens.
3. Arrange your own ride
It’s important that you arrange your own transportation when meeting your date for the first time. This way, you don’t have to disclose your address. Having your own transportation will also make it possible for you to leave at any time if you begin to feel uncomfortable.
4. Keep it public
When meeting your online suitor for the first time, make sure it’s in a public setting. Meeting in a restaurant, a bar or even a coffee shop can provide a great environment to comfortably and safely get to know your date. You should probably avoid having a first date in someone’s home.
5. Conduct research
It’s a good idea to conduct a quick online search of your date before meeting in person for the first time, in case anything unexpected turns up. You can check their social media profiles, too. This will help you make sure there aren’t any red flags about the person that you may have missed or not seen in conversations.
6. Limit your drinking
While it’s important to have fun on a date, it’s equally important to keep your wits about you when you’re in a potentially vulnerable situation. Be aware of your limits if you drink on the first date, and don’t feel pressured to drink just because your date is drinking. It may sound paranoid, but be sure to order your drinks yourself and never leave your drink unattended.
7. Trust yourself
The most important measure you can take when meeting an online match for the first time is to trust your instincts. If you feel like something is off or you’re generally uncomfortable, especially if you sense you might be in danger, remove yourself from the situation as quickly as possible. Though you may not know exactly why you feel uneasy, you may be subconsciously picking up on subtle cues that are putting you on alert.
There’s no doubt that online dating can be fun and exciting. You may even meet your future significant other. But for the best experience, be sure to keep your safety in the forefront of your mind at all times.