The Latest from Giddy

Guys who feel the need to prove themselves tend to engage in more risky behavior.
Itchy and inflamed skin due to eczema is uncomfortable, but it doesn't have to be debilitating.
Some drinkers swear these pills do the trick, but do they work? Are they safe?
Exercise is key to a healthy lifestyle, but work out too much and it can become unhealthy.
Good sexual health provides many benefits to our immune system. And vice versa.
Recognizing you have a sleep disorder is step one, figuring out which type is next.
Increased inflammation can lead to low-T, erectile dysfunction and weight gain.
Here's what you need to know about this eating disorder (that's actually a sensory disorder).
Coronavirus manifests differently across individuals, but there are patterns.
Some people swear this nutrient is the key to losing weight, but how much do you really need?