The Latest from Giddy

Penis health isn’t all you should focus on. Don’t forget about your testicles.
While not usually serious on their own, hydroceles can extend their reach if left untreated.
Can being uncircumcised cause a man disadvantages or problems such as sexual dysfunction?
If you’re considering the procedure, it’s time to learn the pros and cons of circumcision.
While most males were circumcised as babies, some adult men are choosing to undergo the snip.
A penis curvature often caused by trauma, Peyronie’s disease can affect your comfort during sex.
A little known disorder, Peyronie’s can affect the appearance and function of your penis.
You’ve survived testicular cancer. That’s the good news. Now, let’s consider what comes next.
Increasing your penile sensitivity can improve sexual sensations in the bedroom.
Your semen quality could be an indicator of your overall health, for better or worse.