The Latest from Giddy

Yes, but not enough to replace a multivitamin or help your skin.
The results might be less drastic than you think, but consider banking some sperm.
Urethra repair isn't any guy's dream, but this procedure is a long-term fix.
To preserve fertility in the face of cancer or other issues, freezing some swimmers is smart.
This generally harmless condition can still cause painful issues that men will need to address.
Whether men get circumcised for health or cosmetic issues, the outcomes are positive and proven.
Erections are great normally, but one that will not go away is a medical emergency.
The causes of ED often differ between older and younger guys, but the effects are the same.
The pituitary gland, hypothalamus and testicles together promote sperm and testosterone levels.
Men who want kids should know that getting their tobacco fix could be the same as getting fixed.