The Latest from Giddy

Females are often diagnosed with ASD much later in life. That's a problem.
Two-plus years of isolation and fear create the perfect storm for an eating disorder relapse.
Doulas discuss key ways to be ready for the pain of delivery.
Where should we draw the line between 'taking the edge off' and prescribing our own medication?
This debilitating condition may be worsened by your hormonal contraceptive.
Hugging, volunteering and cuddling pets all increase oxytocin, aka the 'happy' hormone.
If you're considering dating someone with PTSD or CPTSD, here's what you should know.
Take care of your mental health or you may see the ramifications in your vagina.
No partnership is perfect. Know what to look for when you need help from a top professional.
Creating healthcare sensitivity protocols improves the patient experience.