PMS is more than just a regular inconvenience for women who suffer serious symptoms every month.
Traditionally marketed to women, period products should use inclusive language. Here's why.
Author Amy J. Hammer, R.N., provides a detailed guide for reclaiming your menstrual cycle.
Experts discuss the pros and cons of organic tampons and why you might want to make the swap.
Due to potential bacterial growth, this feminine hygiene product does have a shelf life.

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Just because 28 days is the average doesn't mean yours has to be.
If you want to decrease your landfill contribution, plenty of green period items are available.
What's normal for you may be abnormal for someone else. So, when should you be concerned?
While it may be comforting to think a celestial body controls your period, science rules it out.
Studies found barriers to menstrual items can negatively impact education.
Factors associated with vegetarian and vegan diets can affect your reproductive health.
Here's what you need to know about the sales tax on menstrual products.
Some doctors recommend this mineral, but the results from research on its efficacy are mixed.
Companies around the world are beginning to institute period policies for people who menstruate.
Experiencing ADHD flare-ups during your period? It's not all in your head.