Can Masturbating Affect Your Kidneys?

Masturbation is a core part of sexual exploration, with its physical benefits widely acknowledged, but there are countless bizarre myths about its effects circulating around the internet.
Some people claim that self-pleasure triggers sexual dysfunction and reduces sensitivity. Others allege that masturbating is equal to cheating on your partner—spoiler: it is not—and one old wives' tale even goes as far as to say that it causes hair to grow on your hands.
While all of these claims are clearly untrue, there is a myth that has fully deceived some people: the belief that masturbating can negatively affect the kidneys.
Masturbation and kidneys
It is difficult to trace the roots of this belief but it may have originated from a concept in traditional Chinese medicine. This branch of medicine asserts that kidneys store semen, and masturbation and subsequent ejaculation might trigger imbalances in the body that lead to medical issues, specifically, poor kidney function.
Some believers in this system of medicine think men with poor kidney function have low sexual performance, according to a small 2020 study published in BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders.
However, no link has ever been found between masturbation and bad kidney health. There is no scientific basis for the idea that masturbation or frequent ejaculation inflicts any health issues. Additionally, the kidneys produce urine; they do not store sperm.
"There is no evidence or research that demonstrates that masturbation can affect kidney function in men or women," agreed Hana Patel, M.B.B.S., a general practitioner and mental health coach in London.
Benefits of masturbating
Despite the pervasiveness of this myth, there are actually many health benefits to masturbation, as Patel explained.
"Actually, masturbation offers health benefits, such as cardiovascular benefits, and can help with diabetes and help to improve our immune system and mental well-being," she said.
Contrary to the belief about poor kidney function, there is some evidence indicating that masturbation helps to dispel kidney stones, which are hard deposits of salt and minerals that form inside the kidneys as the result of some medical conditions, poor diet and certain supplements and medications.
In a 2020 study published in International Urology and Nephrology, researchers discovered that combining masturbation with medicinal therapy was just as effective as taking medicine to dispel the stones. The study was performed by closely examining the effect of masturbating three to four times a week on passing 5- to 10-millimeter stones.
There is also some evidence that men who masturbate regularly are less likely to develop prostate cancer. A 2016 study published in European Urology found people who ejaculated more than 21 times per month were less likely to have developed prostate cancer at a 10-year follow-up than those who ejaculated four to seven times.
However, both studies are limited in scope and more research is needed before a direct link between lower rates of prostate cancer, dissolving kidney stones and masturbation can be proved.
On top of the general physical benefits of regular masturbation, it can improve sleep and promote a positive mood due to the release of oxytocin and dopamine that climax triggers.
"Some women find that reaching orgasm when they're having their period will help with the pain from cramps, but the release of endorphins can help people of all genders feel a decrease in many different types of pain," said Susan Milstein, M.A Ph.D., a health educator and sexologist who sits on the medical review board of Women's Health Interactive.
Thanks to the mood-boosting chemicals released through masturbation, it can also have a positive impact on overall mental well-being, Milstein added.
"For some people, it can make them feel more confident in themselves, whether they're orgasming by themselves or with a partner," she said. "For those who orgasm with a partner, it can help them feel more connected and can impact their satisfaction with the relationship."
Masturbation class
While we all feel the urge during puberty, not everyone develops a positive connection with masturbation. Some of us feel ashamed of our need for self-pleasure, and others do not know where to begin.
If you are struggling to engage with solo sex, try seducing yourself. The art of seduction should not be exclusively reserved for partners.
Set aside some alone time, light some candles and draw yourself a hot bath. Play some sexy music and then explore your body slowly and gently. Warm yourself up before heading south and experiment with pleasurable sensations.
Your body is full to the brim with erogenous zones and opportunities for intense pleasure. These pleasurable peaks do not have to be experienced only with a partner. Masturbation is a gateway to understanding your body better, as well as learning to communicate your likes and dislikes to sexual partners.
Whether you choose to masturbate or not, be safe in the knowledge that your private time is not going to trigger any health issues. No matter what the myth-making internet would have you believe, masturbation cannot harm your kidneys.