Male infertility can have many causes, but a proactive approach can yield positive results.
Sperm swim through sticky fluids without losing much energy. New research explains how.
A man's role in the delay of conception is more common than you may think.
Some people believe infrared saunas can help conditions from painful periods to fertility.
Sperm have a much shorter shelf-life than their role in reproduction may suggest—but how short?

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These viral infections may impact a man's ability to conceive by diminishing sperm health.
The body's response to illness, fever and infection can contribute to infertility.
This condition prevents sperm from entering the ejaculate, but solutions are available.
An underactive thyroid could lead to sexual dysfunction and infertility.
Don't let these false assumptions affect your option to undergo a relatively simple procedure.
A thyroid disorder is often an overlooked cause of infertility issues in men.
Misbeliefs about fertility—and a man's role in it—persist, despite the information available.
Two recent studies suggest matcha green tea can improve fertility in males.
At-home test kits give basic information, but lab tests are better when fertility matters.
So why isn't the procedure for men brought up more often in the fight for reproductive rights?