The Latest from Giddy

If you're a smoker, you could be putting your fertility and future children at risk.
Your desk-jockey and couch-potato habits might impact your chance of having kids.
From finding a facility to providing blood and a semen sample, here's how the process goes.
Exercise is excellent for your health, but is too much a bad thing?
Not all lumps in the testicles are created equal. A spermatocele is benign but needs attention.
Your age, lifestyle and treatment plan will guide which of these options are best for you.
Certain healthy lifestyle behaviors can benefit lazy sperm and improve their motility.
You can increase your chances of conceiving, even with polycystic ovarian syndrome.
Here are some key things to know about your DNA when trying to conceive.
Men who want to be a father can make lifestyle changes to ensure they produce quality sperm.