Diet and Nutrition

The Latest from Giddy

Forget that rare, juicy steak—a plant-based diet may help combat ED symptoms.
Manufacturers say yes, but clinical evidence remains scarce. Do your research before buying.
‘The way to a person’s heart is through their stomach.’ Can the stomach lead to arousal, too?
Libido is affected by a number of variables. Is one of them that hot new diet you’re trying?
Excess pounds can lead to low-T, high blood pressure, heart disease and ED. Time to lose weight!
Some foods allegedly get you in the mood for sex. Did you know other foods can do the opposite?
Insulin issues accompany polycystic ovary syndrome. The right food can help you stay balanced.
Help is readily available—and crucial—for the most common of all eating disorders.
Focus on foods that enhance your diet, sexual performance and overall health—at the same time!
If you’re suffering from poor digestive health, sex can be the very last thing on your mind.