The Latest from Giddy

Sex is still possible even if psoriasis affects your penis. Extra care and lube are first steps.
Thousands of Americans will be diagnosed with CKD in 2023, but others won't know they have it.
Women are less likely to receive proper preventive care for heart issues, research indicates.
This chronic condition can slow you down, but it doesn't have to hold back your sex life.
While inflammatory bowel disease is a lifelong and chronic illness, some symptoms are treatable.
Take care of your kidneys. They play a pivotal role in your daily life, and sexual health, too.
A leading cause of physical disability, the chronic issue also affects mental and sexual health.
Is there treatment for this chronic autoimmune condition? Learn how to manage it.
Know the symptoms of CD and your predisposition for it. Getting tested could save your life.
A new study finds the threat level remains high even 20 years after delivery.