The Latest from Giddy

Irritable bowel syndrome symptoms overlap with more serious conditions. Get a medical opinion.
Not all stomach aches are equal. Know when to seek help for the symptoms of Crohn's disease.
There's no need for shame—even celebrities discuss this autoimmune disease.
You can't treat the condition by yourself, but you can engage in some fibromyalgia self-care.
People with irritable bowel syndrome are far more likely to experience anxiety and depression.
Chronic pain can be a real drag on your day but there's no need for it to ruin your sexy nights.
Rheumatologists think the difference may come down to genes, hormones or environmental factors.
The world discovered this rare autoimmune disorder when singer Celine Dion announced she had it.
Do not let a rebellious gut kill your sexual satisfaction.
'Soft sex' can be great sex, especially to help you minimize pain and pressure.