This skin condition is often misunderstood, but the obstacles it poses to sex can be overcome.
Find out the many ways psoriasis can appear, including the different plaque types.
If you have this condition, get diagnosed. Don't find out what happens to untreated psoriasis.
Psoriasis can be managed with attention to diet and lifestyle, as well as with medical support.
We know that psoriasis causes problems with male fertility. Does the same hold true for women?

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You can navigate both these things successfully with the right strategies and communication.
Creams, oral therapies and injections help manage the common condition.
The autoimmune skin disorder can create flaking, scaling and open sores on your private parts.
More than 100 such conditions affect millions of Americans by attacking healthy cells.
Sex is still possible even if psoriasis affects your penis. Extra care and lube are first steps.
The autoimmune skin disease can spread from your arms to the area between your legs.
Inflammation in the genital tract can cause testosterone deficiency and a low sperm count.
This skin condition is often misunderstood, but the obstacles it poses to sex can be overcome.