Success in the dating app world depends on the app. Use our tips to choose wisely and safely.
You may be burnt out if your love-hate relationship with dating is mostly hate and little love.
Too bad there's no such thing as a dating handbook. These tips can help.
Online dating can be difficult. Work smarter, not harder, with these 'get to know me' tips.
How in the world are you supposed to find a date when you're in another country?

The Latest from Giddy

Sex dreams might be awkward, but they help you process complex emotions.
Keeping your relationship fresh doesn’t have to cost a fortune.
Despite a pandemic that has necessarily limited in-person meetings, you can still date safely.
Dating can be exciting and fun, but it can also be stressful—and, in the worst cases, scary.
This is how four people handle wandering thoughts during intimate moments.
They don't call it a 'game' for nothing—sort through some of the noise
Affairs can be complicated situations. Is there a link between infidelity and ED?
Relationships can be terrifying when you have social anxiety. Banish the fear and trust romance.
More traditional matchmaking hasn't vanished in the digital era, but it has evolved.
Loving each other through recovery isn't easy, but hard work can make a relationship stronger.