Prostate cancer can be treated with either traditional or alternative options.
A new drug could help men with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer live longer.
Research findings could lead to a more personalized alternative treatment for prostate cancer.
It's an effective cancer treatment option, but there can be serious risks and side effects.
A urologist explains how getting your prostate removed can affect your sex life.

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Coffee consumption is associated with a lower risk of the disease, but don't go too crazy.
Future prostate cancer screenings—all cancer screenings, really—will be more accurate.
High-intensity focused ultrasound is a noninvasive, radiation-free option for low-grade cases.
Yes, getting rid of the disease is primary, but keep an eye toward life after treatment.
Researchers are testing CCS1477, a drug whose nondescript name belies its powerful potential.
Treatment takes a toll on the body, but you can take steps to manage day-to-day difficulties.
‘Paging Dr. Bot’ may be futuristic, but artificial intelligence offers promising developments.
Certain treatments slow the growth and spread of prostate cancer by limiting needed hormones.
Understand the ways doctors stage and rate prostate cancer, and how they talk about it.
The disease has a promising recovery rate, especially if you take an active role in treatment.