The Latest from Giddy

You still have options—and alternatives—for becoming a parent when age is not on your side.
Experiencing the miracle of carrying a life may leave your breasts feeling less than perfect.
To protect your and your baby's health while breastfeeding, take action and be prepared.
Pregnancy can be daunting. Here are some tips to help you make it through the long journey.
Health issues during pregnancy can go beyond morning sickness and swollen feet.
Eating for two comes with crucial responsibilities, some of which you may not expect.
You may be wary of epidurals, but they're a safe and effective way to manage childbirth pain.
Every woman’s experiences with pregnancy are different—including how they feel about sex.
The answer depends on your situation and comfort level. There's no right or wrong way.
Keeping nipples healthy during breastfeeding can prevent serious health complications.