The Latest from Giddy

If you are urinating more frequently than usual, it could be caused by prostatitis or BPH.
Tobacco can cause negative impacts on many aspects of your health—even erectile dysfunction.
Too much ball sweat? There are ways to stop those sweaty testicles from bothering you.
Discharge from your penis can have many causes not tied to sexually transmitted conditions..
Don’t panic—here's when you should consult a doctor about issues with your penis.
Low testosterone has many causes. Genetics, lifestyle or medication could be the source.
Knowing when your boys need an intervention—and acting quickly—could be the key to keeping them.
Examining your testes regularly may help you detect abnormalities, including testicular cancer.
This common condition in the scrotum can sometimes disguise a more serious genital issue.
Some products could be problematic for your penis.