Why Do You Have a Loss in Penile Sensitivity?

Decreased penis sensitivity can make it difficult to have an erection or orgasm, which is often frustrating for you and your partner. This is especially true if the lack of sensitivity is something new and has changed your sex life for the worse.
Knowing the symptoms of decreased penis sensitivity, its causes and how to treat the condition can help bring satisfaction back into the bedroom.
What are the symptoms of reduced penile sensation?
Decreased penis sensitivity can range in intensity from mild to severe and even debilitating in some cases. Its symptoms often include:
- Decreased touch sensitivity
- Difficulty getting or keeping an erection
- Difficulty having an orgasm
- Less satisfaction during sex
- A low sex drive
With mild decreased penis sensitivity, you might not notice much of a problem. However, moderate to severe sensitivity problems can significantly decrease the quality of your sex life.
If your penis feels numb or cold or burns or tingles, see your doctor because these symptoms can indicate a more serious problem.
What are the causes of a loss in penis sensitivity?
Causes of decreased penis sensitivity can vary widely. Common factors contributing to a lack of sensation can include:
Penis injuries can damage blood vessels, which may reduce sensitivity. Your penis may be damaged by prostate cancer, frequent distance cycling or injuries that compress nerves and reduce blood flow.
Low testosterone
Low testosterone, or low-T, is a common cause of decreased sensitivity in the penis, as well as loss of sexual desire and erectile dysfunction (ED). Low-T is common among men, especially in those older than 40. Your doctor can let you know if you have low testosterone by checking your blood multiple times, as testosterone levels vary daily.
Some medications
Some medications can cause side effects including decreased penis sensitivity and even numbness. Ask your doctor if your medications, especially antidepressants, could be the cause of unpleasant penis problems.
Mental health disorders
Chronic stress, depression, anxiety and other mental health struggles are often linked with reduced sexual desire, decreased penis sensitivity and ED.
Some diseases
If you experience decreased penis sensitivity and have a chronic disease, the disease may be the culprit. Some medical conditions, such as multiple sclerosis, diabetes, Peyronie's disease and prostate cancer can cause decreased sensitivity or numbness in your penis.
Drinking too much is a common (usually temporary) cause of decreased penis sensitivity, though ongoing heavy drinking may contribute to ED.
How can I increase penis sensitivity?
If you struggle with reduced penis sensitivity and would like to enhance sensation, consider the following treatments your doctor may recommend:
Testosterone therapy
Testosterone therapy for men may include skin patches, injections, gels, pellets or tablets that increase low levels of testosterone, possibly resulting in improved penis sensitivity. Hormone therapy can also enhance your sex drive and overall well-being. You may also be able to increase low-T by making simple lifestyle changes and maintaining a healthy weight.
Injury treatments
If you have or suspect you have, a penis injury, see your doctor for an evaluation. If you're a cyclist, for example, you may have to cut back on cycling, stand up more frequently while cycling, use a seat with extra padding or wear padded cycling shorts.
Mental health treatments
If you struggle with depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), substance use disorder or some other mental health issue, see your doctor about possible treatments. They may recommend you take certain medications, make healthy lifestyle changes, see a counselor or participate in support groups.
Medication and disease management
If you have diabetes or another chronic disease that contributes to decreased penis sensitivity, properly managing your condition may improve sensitivity and your sex life. Take all medications as directed by your doctor, maintain an ideal body weight, eat healthy foods and get plenty of sleep and daily exercise.
If your medication is the cause of decreased penis sensitivity, ask your doctor about changing medications or trying dietary supplements, lifestyle changes or other natural treatments when possible.
Seek help if you experience a sensitivity loss
You don't have to live with decreased sensitivity in the penis. Talk with your doctor about possible causes and treatments that can get your sex life back on track.