The Latest from Giddy

'Sex Lives of College Girls' co-star wants to authentically reflect the disabled experience.
Walking as little as 30 minutes a day can improve your erections.
The rapper warns the removal process is 'really crazy.'
Tobacco products are linked to numerous issues, from ED to Peyronie's and infertility.
Studies show a complex connection for people 'addicted' to social media.
An FDA regulatory change allows retail pharmacies to register to dispense mifepristone.
Don't keep saying yes to everyone. Maybe it's time you made some time for yourself.
You can implement these dating experts' techniques if you can't afford to hire one.
From the garter toss to bridesmaids' attire, ceremonial customs have changed over the years.
Disrupted sleep doesn't have to rule your life, but it can if it continues for a long time.