How Will Cocaine Effect My Sexual Function?

If you haven’t heard of “coke dick,” it’s similar to “whiskey dick,” which is erectile dysfunction (ED) induced by alcohol. Coke dick is ED as a result of too much cocaine use, but the conditions are different since cocaine acts differently on the body than alcohol.
Why coke dick happens
Cocaine is a vasoconstrictor that causes the body’s vessels to tighten and narrow, making it more difficult for blood to pass through. You can imagine this isn’t great for your penis, because an erection occurs when the penis fills with blood, and to do that, the vessels need to relax.
This might sound counterintuitive, since cocaine is said to increase one’s sense of pleasure by raising the level of neurotransmitters (brain messengers), such as dopamine, epinephrine and norepinephrine. And it’s true that dopamine makes you feel good and can increase sexual pleasure and heighten an orgasm, and epinephrine and norepinephrine can also cause some beneficial sexual side effects, like increased duration.
However, cocaine also has every chance of ruining a sexual encounter, since it will cause you difficulty achieving an erection.
'If ED happens frequently, first you’ll want to discern whether it is drug-induced or caused by another problem. See your doctor if you’re not sure, and make sure you explain all the details.'
What’s more, chronic cocaine use over a period of time can leave lasting impacts on penis function. As you build a tolerance to the drug, you’ll likely have more long-term side effects, such as vasoconstriction, which can lead to chronic erectile dysfunction, decreased libido, loss of sensation and control during sex, and premature ejaculation. Cocaine may also cause priapism, or extremely painful erections, and these can cause serious damage to your penis.
And if that wasn’t enough, these long-term side effects can be permanent.
Beyond effects on your sex life, cocaine use can cause a host of additional medical and emotional problems such as overdose, cardiovascular disease, stroke, memory loss, cognitive issues, nose collapse and more.
How to get rid of coke dick
Erectile dysfunction happens to most guys at some point. If it happens once, stay calm, be upfront about what’s going on and suggest another time to have sex. Your penis is not going to recover in 30 minutes or after a quick cup of black coffee, and trying to wait it out will probably just make the situation more frustrating and your erection even less likely to materialize.
So, relax.
If ED happens frequently, first you’ll want to discern whether it is drug-induced or caused by another problem. See your doctor if you’re not sure, and make sure you explain all the details.
If cocaine (or another drug) is the cause, ask yourself whether continued use is really worth a declining sex life, especially considering the possible long-term effects on your penis and your overall health.
Preventing coke dick from happening
The best way to prevent coke-induced ED is to completely abstain from cocaine use.
If you’re using cocaine rarely and/or socially, consider planning on not having sex that night. If you’re using cocaine on a regular basis, consider getting help from a doctor or therapist if you would like to stop: They can direct you to the resources and support groups that can help you.
Despite the common perception that cocaine and other drugs heighten senses and lead to great sex, the term “coke dick” exists for a reason. Cocaine and your penis will never be good friends, and chances are, if you had to pick between them, you’d pick the latter. Wise choice.
Giddy Notice: The use of cocaine for recreational purposes is illegal in the United States as described in the Controlled Substances Act, as enforced by the Drug Enforcement Administration. Our medical experts tell us that the recreational use of cocaine is not only illegal but also extremely detrimental to your mind and body. Giddy in no way promotes or endorses the use of drugs (party drugs, illegal and/or legal drugs) for any illegal or illicit purposes.