Knowing what to expect during a routine mammogram screening can ease first-timers’ stress.
Dense breasts can obscure mammograms and raise breast cancer risk.
According to the numbers, women may feel more terrible about their boobs than ever before.
The proposed USPSTF update lowers the age at which women should undergo biennial mammograms.
Even with proper maintenance, your augmentation won't last forever.

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A mastopexy can have real benefits, but there are risks involved. Know them.
Four women discuss navigating intimacy after losing feeling in their chests.
Breast surgery procedures could affect your ability to breastfeed.
Cohesive silicone breast implants are safe, but complications are possible.
Women who want more comfort can take a literal weight off their shoulders with breast reduction.
Breast implants are not meant to be lifetime devices. Understand the maintenance they require.
Knowing what to expect during a routine mammogram screening can ease first-timers’ stress.