Typically a cosmetic treatment, Botox is also used to treat some sexual health conditions.
Early detection can increase your survival rate—so what symptoms should you watch for?
Vaginal tightness could be a warning sign of hypertonic pelvic floor.
Bacterial imbalance in the vagina may transmit to male partners and cause reinfection in women.
Feeling a lump in your vagina? Here's what to do next.

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Hormonal changes are the main reason BV is prevalent in menopausal women.
The choices may include surgery, chemo or radiation, depending on the stage of the disease.
Finding the cause of painful sex can be tricky, but there are a few courses of action for women.
Support goes a long way when your significant other suffers from painful intercourse.
Even little known conditions can pack big punches, so keep an eye on your vulva.
Even the rarest or least known autoimmune skin conditions can be managed effectively.
This disease impacts the external female genitalia and can result in a variety of symptoms.
Find out the signs and symptoms of this infection, and how it's diagnosed and prevented.
The fairly common condition can cause painful sex or pelvic discomfort at inopportune times.
Here's everything you need to know about the condition, including when to refrain from intimacy.