Exploration | BDSM

Author Julie Fennell dispels myths about the BDSM scene and offers advice for the curious.

Explore what it's like to visit a professional dominatrix. (Here's a tip: Bring a gift.)


Some elements of autism may carry a link to an affinity for kink.


The world of exploration offers equal opportunity: Everyone has the right to sex and sensuality.

They're different from appreciating compliments, and like other kinks, they can make sex hotter.

While it may feel freeing, it can come with triggering risks.

Make sure you have a plan for what happens later.

Here are all the juicy details you’ve wanted to know about BDSM but were too shy to ask.

Use some tried-and-true tips to get the most out of BDSM negotiations—and what follows.

BDSM offers a unique release to differently abled kinksters.

Let's clear the air and reframe some of the most common misconceptions about BDSM.

There’s no reason for sex to be routine or boring. Perhaps all you need is a new direction.