The Latest from Giddy

Here's a retrospective look at the past 40+ years, and an optimistic take on what's to come.
Lifestyle changes and dating opportunities can help make your world worthwhile.
Learn more about the medicines available, how much they are and what side effects to expect.
Recognizing the signs of this common STD is crucial to avoiding it and not transmitting it.
Dispel the myths and focus on the very real challenges of managing these conditions.
Cold sores are unavoidable, but scarring is. Here's how to improve herpes marks.
Learn about these conditions, their causes and risk factors—and the three stages of infection.
Here's why standard STI testing doesn't include this condition, and why it may not matter.
Did you know that some people may be more at risk of certain cancers than others?
Consider this your introduction to a common STD, including its risks and symptoms.