Here are some post-snip tips every guy should know.
All aspects of this life decision should be considered, including how old you are.
Yes, prosthetic testicles are a thing. Here's the what, why, when and how about fake balls.
Often incorrectly referred to as testicular reduction, scrotoplasty solves a couple of issues.
Do vasectomies hurt? What is vasectomy recovery like? And can you reverse a vasectomy?

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You do have options if you want to change the size or appearance of your penis and scrotum.
So why isn't the procedure for men brought up more often in the fight for reproductive rights?
So why isn't the procedure for men brought up more often in the fight for reproductive rights?
For guys, taking the pill won't prevent pregnancy, but it may produce side effects.
Yes, men get the procedure, but it's meant to be permanent, so partners should learn the facts.
Vasectomy methods vary, but they all involve vas deferens modifications to keep sperm confined.
Circumcision among adult men isn't as uncommon as you think.
More length may be within reach, but remember a couple of important caveats—and what's 'normal.'
Varicoceles usually don't require treatment unless they affect quality of life or fertility.
Spermatic cord block is a minimally invasive procedure used diagnostically and therapeutically.