A Man's Pubic Hair: What Women Want

Women have been following the trend of shaved pubic hair for awhile, and a man's preferences for a woman's pubes are typically more openly discussed. But what about the male look? Trimmed, fully shaved or natural? What hair style do women want to see down there?
Trends in men’s pubic hair styles
Body hair removal has been found dating back to 30,000 B.C.—with seashells. (Ouch!) In modern times, though, pubic hair trends have varied widely. In the 1960s and ’70s, hairy men were sexualized—thank you, Burt Reynolds—and many rocked a bushy chest and untamed pubes.
Brazilian waxing in the 1990s changed that image.
By the 2000s, some of the world’s sexiest guys—think David Beckham—were showing off hairless, shaved bods. The term “manscaping” hit the common vernacular, and multimillion-dollar companies were built on providing the necessary grooming tools so men could achieve perfectly cleaned and manicured body hair.
'The most common method of male hair removal today is trimming with clippers, [...] shaving and waxing [...] lasers, electrolysis, depilatory creams, threading, sugaring and tweezing.'
Younger men are more likely to groom their pubic hair, but men of all ages in large numbers groom for sex, routine care and hygiene.
How and why to shave a man's pubic hair
The most common method of male hair removal today is trimming with clippers, followed by shaving and waxing. Less common but still practiced methods include lasers, electrolysis, depilatory creams, threading, sugaring and tweezing. Many men say they remove body hair because it makes them feel good, more confident and more hygienic. Other benefits include fewer ingrown hairs and increased visual perception of one’s body definition.
Common pubic hair styles chosen by men
While many tools and techniques exist to remove hair, you’ll have to decide how much hair you want to remove and from what areas. Popular options include:
- Removing hair from the testicles
- Removing groin hair from the thighs
- Trimming pubic hair very short all over
- Going completely hairless
- Keeping the “full bush,” where everything is fully natural
- Trimming only what peeks out of underwear, aka the bikini style
- Creating a landing strip or patch, which goes further than the bikini style by removing more on the sides to trim pubic patch hair into a manicured strip, rectangle or square
- Creating a “lion’s mane,” which removes all hair from the testicles, shaft base and shaft but leaves a full pubic patch, supposedly to make the penis look bigger
Women’s current preferences for men’s pubic hair
Ninety percent of women reported in a survey that they like their male partners groomed down there. Another survey of 300 women found 64 percent preferred their guys trimmed, 16 percent preferred a clean-shaven man and 20 percent found the natural look best. Interestingly, women in rural areas are 61 percent more likely to prefer a guy who’s natural than women in the city or suburban areas.
So why do so many women prefer trimmed pubes on their men? Responses in various surveys included “less odor,” “more hygienic,” “nicer to give them oral,” “it looks hot” and “it shows they put effort into how they look.’’ Some women simply said that wild is unattractive, and clean-shaven is too extreme and irritates during sex.
The good news is 81 percent of women in a 2017 social media survey said their partner’s pubic hairstyle would not impact whether they would date them. But this does indicate there are ladies out there who may not love their lover’s pubic hairstyle.
So men, if you want to rev up the romance, think about asking your lady what she likes or try a new style of pubes and see how she responds. You might be pleasantly surprised.