The Latest from Giddy

Societal pressures to 'bounce back' too quickly after pregnancy can lead to problems.
Staying connected to friends and family improves your mental well-being.
Stigma, withdrawal and a lack of support can lead to feelings of isolation.
If delusions set in after childbirth, it could indicate a serious mental health condition.
Did your sexual desire diminish while taking SSRIs but hasn't returned? It could be PSSD.
Is depression a side effect of using birth control? Here's what the science has to say.
A new study suggests people living on tree-lined streets are less likely to suffer PPD.
You can find ways to minimize a breakup's impact on a partner's mental health.
Emotional impulsivity can profoundly affect your sexual health and general well-being.
This condition, along with psychosis, can profoundly impact sexual health and relationships.