The Latest from Giddy

An estimated 100,000 people in the U.S. get this lifesaving procedure each year.
Millions of Americans suffer from this form of inflammatory bowel disease. Know the signs.
Untreated eating disorders can lead to serious health problems, including heart complications.
While IBD is a serious condition, knowing the facts will help you best manage your disease.
Autoimmune diseases cause distress, medical complications and, possibly, fertility issues.
You don't have to live with pain. Learn the facts and don't be fooled by misconceptions.
Millions of people are affected by digestive disorders. Get the facts about gut health issues.
We bust some heart disease myths so you can make better choices about your heart health.
If you have diabetes, you have an elevated risk of ED. Find out what you can do about it.
Diabetes can cause side effects in unexpected ways and places, especially in the bedroom.