Medical Reviewer
Jillan Rowbotham, D.O.
Jillan Rowbotham, D.O.
Eating disorders affect hormonal health, but do hormones increase your risk of developing one?
Science is starting to uncover the fascinating and terrifying truth about this vital organ.
Largest study to date brings new insights into benefits of MHT for postmenopausal women.
3D technology has changed the game for detecting breast cancer, and insurance usually covers it.
Experiencing ADHD flare-ups during your period? It's not all in your head.
Three women tell Giddy what they wish they'd known to expect following surgery.
It's okay to imbibe a bit while breastfeeding—pumping and dumping isn’t the only solution.
Stage IV takes the lives of thousands of women, and we don't talk about it enough.
Working with your doctor can help prevent future complications.
You take the pill, but are you concerned that it’s causing you stomach issues like IBS?