Medical Reviewer
Chris Kyle, M.D.
Chris Kyle, M.D.

Chris Kyle has an M.D. and MPH (master of public health) from Louisiana State University. He completed a residency at the University of Miami and a fellowship at the Australian Institute for Robotic Surgery. What may be  most important to him is his rich history of volunteer work, showing that, for him, it’s all about the quality of life for his patients.

ED can have a wide-ranging impact on more than just your sex life, but you don't have to let it.
Understand the causes and effects of low testosterone so you know how to combat it.
Understand your options and choose the right treatment for you.
Don't rush into a vasectomy decision. Take the time to balance the benefits against the risks.
Let's discover the truth behind some important misconceptions about testicular cancer.
Clearing up some bad info about conditions from premature ejaculation to testicular cancer.
Medical procedures may offer a fix for ED, but you need to know the risks involved.
Studies show this cosmetic treatment may also improve symptoms of an enlarged prostate.
Prostate cancer is the second-deadliest cancer in men. It's scary, and myths about it abound.
Uppers can be a real downer for your penis. Learn all about speed erectile dysfunction.