Medical Reviewer
Chris Kyle, M.D.
Chris Kyle, M.D.

Chris Kyle has an M.D. and MPH (master of public health) from Louisiana State University. He completed a residency at the University of Miami and a fellowship at the Australian Institute for Robotic Surgery. What may be  most important to him is his rich history of volunteer work, showing that, for him, it’s all about the quality of life for his patients.

Intense cycling can involve hours of pressure on your most vulnerable areas. Should you worry?
It’s already getting you through your day. Can coffee get you through sex, as well?
It’s no secret that alcohol makes it hard to get hard, but why, and what can you do about it?
The term "coke dick" was coined to describe the condition of coke-induced ED.
It might be time to give more attention to your often-ignored prostate gland.
If you have perceived ejaculate volume reduction, try these easy steps to address it.
Even after treatment, this birth defect of the penis may pose complications to patients.
Researchers believe erectile dysfunction could be a sign of cardiovascular problems.
Sexually transmitted diseases and sexually transmitted infections have distinct differences.
The male reproductive system includes many components and you want all of them working properly.